About Meridith
Meridith Ebbs has over 20 years experience in education. She has worked as a classroom teacher, technology specialist and has extensive experience as a STEM specialist K-10. Meridith has hands on experience leading transformation and innovation in schools with educational technologies.
Meridith has consulted to NSW Education Standards Authority, Lismore Catholic Diocese of Schools and Government departments.
She offers personalised consulting in school strategy, curriculum, pedagogy and assessment with educational technology and STEM in the classroom.
Meridith is comfortable working with:
working with leadership to develop and implement school wide strategy
students, teachers or parents
presenting teacher professional learning
side by side teaching
establishing Communities of Practice within schools or across larger networks
keynoting at conferences
skills and resource audits
planning expenditure for upgrading and rolling out educational technology.
Meridith also offers:
contracts to facilitate technology lessons in classrooms in NSW
1 to 1 and small group tutoring, for teachers, students, NDIS or home school
roving trainer for office staff
programming assistance
Speaking history
Public Speaking, Conferences, Events
Add your event here
ICT Educators NSW Conference - Practical ways to implement the K-6 Science and Technology in your classroom, 15/16 March 2025
PDHPE Teacher Association - Keeping your students safe - online safety, cyber safety, privacy, and security as taught in the NSW PDHPE syllabus, October 2024
Class Cover Learn - Teaching Technology with Picture Books, September 2024
ICT Educators NSW “Digital Technology and Digital Literacy requirements in K-6 English and Maths” NSW, August
ICT Educators NSW Podcast - guest
Global Collaboration Project - Teaching with Sustainable Development Goals - Best presentation voted by the audience, March
ICT Educators NSW Conference - Digital Technologies vs Digital Literacy, March
ICT Educators NSW - Investigations with Microbits and Science, Port Macquarie, February
2023ICT Educators NSW - Investigations with Microbits and Mathematics, Kempsey, November
Newcastle University, Teaching investigations with Microbits, October
EduTECH, Culture and computing: navigating cultural diversity in Digital Technologies education, Septmber
EduTECH, Effective Digital Technologies Assessment, September.
Podcast with Fizzics Education, STEM and Environmental Education
ICT Educators NSW Conference, Teaching outside with STEM, March
Australian Space Biology x Health Summit for One Giant Leap. Speaking about the Space Wattle project in the classroom. December
Lightning Lunch with Refraction Media, a guest speaker on Teaching STEM in Nature. September
#Educ8con panel on Using Picture books to teach STEM on Clubhouse https://educ8.world/ April
ACCE 2021 virtual conference hosted by DLTV - STE(A)M outside 15mins of project ideas - March
National Education Summit - Learning outside with STE(A)M, February
ISTE Global Collaboration Project - Learning outside with STEM and the Sustainable Development Goals. #STEMinTheWorld, reposted to my YouTube channel with permission - Webinar
RTCON2020 Emerging Technologies in Education, November
How to create experiences using Metaverse for Augmented RealityOnline StemEducation Summit with Tech Explorations, July
RTCON2019, Coding in the NSW Classroom, December
STEM TeachMEET, Taree, September
Hopper DownUnder, Engaging Girls in STEM, Brisbane, July
Keynote for Department of Education with 10 schools July.
EduTECH Roundtable "Building Capacity in your teachers", June, Sydney
Sydney Catholic Schools - Teacher Librarian Conference, Digital Technology and picture books, May
Keynote for Chifley College cross campus staff development day. The Future of Education and Work, April
ICT Educators NSW, Taking IT further, March
Unpacking NSW K-6 Science and Technology, March
ACCE 2018 Makey Makey hands on session. April
Unpacking Coding, Design and Computational Thinking in the NSW Syllabus, August
Technology Playground workshop at Coding conference, August
EduTECH, vendor, June
STEM Meet at Tahmoor Public School. 200+ participants. Introduction to Coding in the classroom, May
Oh, The Humanities! and social sciences podcast HASS and STEM , April
Inspire Innovate Conference Unpacking NSW K-6 Science and Technology Syllabus and 7-8 Tech Mandatory, April
ClassCover - Digital Technologies in NSW Curriculum, November
NSW Association for Independent Schools, Introduction to Digital Technologies Hands on workshop, October
#CS4HS Conference - St Columba Anglican School, August 2017 STEM in the NSW Curriculum
#CS4HS Conference - St Columba Anglican School, August 2017 Teaching Coding in the Maths Classroom
Keynote for Lismore CEO Coffs Harbour - Are we there yet?
Keynote for Lismore CEO Lismore - Are we there yet?
Lismore CEO Teachmeet Byron Bay
Lismore CEO Teachmeet Port Macquarie
EduTech - Coding and Computational Thinking - Sydney, June
ClassCover - A conference for relieving staff, Coding in NSW Classrooms, how do you do it?, November
Heads of Independent Co-Educational Schools, Embedding STEM and MakerSpace in the Curriculum, Meeting, October
STEM Symposium - Association for Independent Schools, Speaker and Expo Embedding MakerSpace into the Classroom, our school journey, October
Hands on workshop Coding and STEM in the curriculum, CS4HS, St Columba Anglican School, October
Speaker at Criterion Conference, Embedding Computational Thinking in the NSW Classroom, Sydney September
Workshop "How to teach programming at a primary level", September
Invitation to bring my students to present at
Young Creators Conference at the Power House Museum, Ultimo, August (exceptional student group)Code<4>Kids webinar on Computational Thinking March,
Full day masterclass - How to teach programming at a primary level, Digital Technologies Curriculum, Melbourne, March
Workshop at Digital Technologies Curriculum, Melbourne, March
Teach Meet Future Schools, Getting started with a Makey Makeys, March
Keynote speaker - Future Schools Coding Congress "Coding and the Curriculum" March,
Future Schools - Young Learners Congress Speaker "Teaching Coding in a K-2 Classroom" March
Special Guest - Webinar - How to Host Hour of Code in your school with CSER Adelaide University November.
Special guest for New Zealand Google Educator Group Coding and Computational Thinking November 10
Closing Keynote - NSW Australian Independent Schools ICT Integrators Conference, October
Consultant to BOSTES (now NESA)
Host of #MakerEDau tweet meet, Sunday 16th August. Topic: Cardboard Creative
Host of #ozcschat tweet meet Tuesday 11th August. Topic: Digital Citizenship
Host #EduTweetOz 3-10 August a slow chat over a week. Biography
Host of #aussieED tweet meet. Topic: Computational Thinking July 12 Part 1 and Part 2
Chairperson of the Computational Thinking - Hands On! conference PEIC. June
Workshop on using Beebots and Scratch Jnr in K-2 classrooms. June
Edutech, Brisbane - Implementing Computational Thinking in a K-12 School 2015
EduTech - Teach Meet, Embedding Computational Thinking in your school, 2015
Future Schools - Keynote Special Needs Congress - Using Technology to improve reading of sight words, March
Future Schools - Coding Congress, Roundtable, March
Future Schools - Teach Meet, Google Classroom, March
Hosted #aussieED Tweet Meet on Digital Literacy and Critical Evaluation of Websites, January
AIS Integrators Conference - Coding in Primary Schools, September
Organised the school based "Awesome Learning Conference" - 14 speakers and 4 venues for school based PD, August
EduTech, Brisbane speaker - "Shifting to cloud based learning", June
PEIC Digital Citizenship conference - St Andrews Cathedral School, November
AIS Integrators Conference - "Using Kodu to teach literacy", Newington College, October
PEIC Digital Citizenship Conference - St Columba Anglican School, July
AIS IT Managers Conference - "Digital Citizenship", Canberra, June
Guest lecturer, education students, Newcastle University (PMQ) - 2013 Critical evaluation of websites - was asked to repeat the presentation from 2012.
PLANE teach meet - "Digital Citizenship", online, January
AIS Integrators Conference - "Get Real - Critical Evaluation of Websites", St Ignatius, Lane Cove, October
Guest lecturer, education students, Newcastle University (PMQ) Critical evaluation of websites.