Data Representation

Data Representation is mentioned in the primary curriciulum from Foundation to Year 6.

In years F-4 it refers to how data can be represented referring to the use of symbols, images, text and numbers. In years 5-6 it is refering to the use of numbers specifically binary and computers use binary to store and transmit information.

Data Representation is how data is represented and structured symbolically for storage and communcation by people and digital systems. Information can be transmitted with pictures and images, symbols, text and numbers.

These images all represent stop.  

images of different ways to represent stop, traffic lights, stop signs and hand help in a palm held out straight infront of a womans face.

Different ways to represent stop with symbols, text and signs.

National Simultaneous Storytime 2024

Bowerbird Blues by Aura Parker is about a bowerbird that collects blue things. Collect some blue things and use them to sort in different ways.

This lesson includes:

  • curriculum alignment for all states

  • definitions

  • lesson plan

  • four sorting methods (3 sheets and 1 blank)

  • assessment task

The lesson is available 

Find all links and stores here:


You can use codes to represent meaning such as morse code, braille, sign language to represent letters of the alphabet. These are images of Morse Code and a pigpen cipher. 

Top L to R: morse code and pig pen cipher

Bottom L to R: substitution cipher and braille

Using images to represent meaning how would you use each of these pictures of a dog? Which image would you use on a card or pyjamas? Which image would you use on a warning sign and how would you represent a leashed dog?

4 images of dogs. Top L to R is a cute brown puppy. A blue sign with white representation of a dog on a lease and a person picking up after the dog sign says Leash and scoop. Bottom row L to R a blind woman with a guide dog and then a brown bull dog

Different ways to represent dogs.

Computers use Binary to store and transmit data. It is a base 2 system that only uses 0 and 1. 

Binary windows


Describe and Design Algorithms